The newest object of my gun-lust is the forthcoming Kel Tec Shotgun.
26” long, with a 18.5” barrel. 14+1 capacity of 12 gauge goodness. Now we’re looking at a trunk gun with some punch. It will be be available sometime in 2011. MSRP is around $800.
Reading about the ballistic information from hunting loads, and watching the video of Jeff shooting the Ranch Hand has only made me want one even more. Again, I think it’s more of a novelty item. But, as Jeff says in his review, just wanting one’s reason enough to have one. I may just have to see if ol’ Saint Nick can find one in stock somewhere.
As many of you are aware, last week Janet Napolitano at the Department of Homeland Security announced an initiative whereby regular citizens are encouraged, via video at their local Wal-Mart stores, to report “suspicious activity.”
Hilarious. The sad commentary is that if I had to trust my life to anyone in that video, or a government bureaucrat, I’m taking Wal-Mart person in a landslide. Well, except for the guy who has the lion mane hair cut.
Christine Banks, a volunteer… said: ‘We put up a nativity scene in the window and were told to take it out. It seems we can’t have anything that means Christmas. We’re allowed to have some tinsel but that’s it.
‘When we send cards they have to say season’s greetings or best wishes. They must not be linked directly to Christmas.
‘When we asked we were told it is because we must not upset .’
Feels like we’ve entered into an alternate universe, doesn’t it?
The citizen, 63-year-old Helmut G., was told by the court that his yodeling offended his next-door Muslim neighbors, who accused him of trying to mock and imitate the call of the Muezzin.
I’d never thought about it, but maybe there is a similarity after all. Yodeling’s not my cup of tea, but I might just have to take up yodeling.
Here are some videos to help inspire you. Just call me an infidel.
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