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KSG Commentary

So last week, after I posted about Oleg Volk’s KSG Surprise, I received a comment from a gentleman named Derek, who listed his URL as In his comment, he pointed out that when the KSG was announced at the 2011 SHOT show, it’s target release date was in Q4 2011.

I’ve followed the news on the KSG pretty closely, and I must admit that I never saw a timeframe announcement. The SHOT announcement / preview page does not make mention of a Q4 release date. If I go and look at the Kel Tec KSG product page, it indicates that the KSG will ship by year end.

If that’s the case, then I absolutely accept that Kel Tec is on schedule for the KSG release. Kel Tec is known for innovative products, and I stand by my statement that I will be a purchaser of the KSG. I can’t wait to get my hands on one and try it out.

Personally, I think that Kel Tec took the advice of some early testers and re-tooled aspects of the KSG. Kudos to them for that. I’m willing to accept a delay for that. But if your intention was for a near-2012 release date for a product announced, oh, 11 months ago… I never saw that information come across.

Posted in DBM.

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