Today, the incredibly talented Oleg Volk had a new post up, entitled “Surprise – KSG!!” My heart was racing, as I clicked the link, expecting to read some very good news. Instead, I saw this photo:
Don’t get me wrong. I’d love to have his photographic talents. Unfortunately, my mind jumped to the conclusion that Oleg was part of a product reveal.
I fear that the real surprise will be *if* Kel Tec ever ships this gun. It’s been announced since, oh… January. That’s enough time to get pregnant, have the baby, and have enough photos of the little munchkin to bore all of your co-workers to death.
DBM wants KSG. Quickly, please. 🙂
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KSG was debuted at 2011 SHOT in January with a 4th quarter release timeline. Everything is on schedule for the scheduled release.