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Rossi Ranch Hand as a Trunk Gun?

I guess that it was back at the 2010 Shot Show that Rossi announced that it would be producing a Mare’s Leg (later re-named the Ranch Hand) pistol, chambered in .357, .44, or .45LC. I thought it was a pretty interesting little novelty gun, and began pondering the use of it as a trunk gun, mainly because of its size.

But then I started thinking… Why? To me, a trunk gun is something that you go to should the need ever arise for a larger caliber, or more capacity. The Ranch Hand doesn’t fit either of those categories. I usually carry a .357, so I’d probably opt for that same caliber in the trunk. No gain there, except for the bullet coming from a longer barrel. My SP101 carries 5 rounds, and the Ranch Hand has 6 shots. Not a real boon in the capacity department, either.

I also wonder if you might run into some issues with the local police, should you be stopped. I’m not convinced that your average officer – who, is probably not familiar with many types of weapons – wouldn’t take one look at it and immediately come to the conclusion that you are in posession of a sawed-off lever action rifle. You’d be exonerated, eventually, but probably not until you’ve got to meet the SWAT team, local group of ATF agents, and (worst of all) a lawyer.

It’s a good looking little gun, and I’m sure that it would be a lot of fun to shoot. I’m sure that it will have a niche market, just like the Taurus Judge. I’m just having a difficult time figuring out if I’m in that niche group.

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. Rossi Ranch Hand Review – Delta Bravo Mike linked to this post on December 22, 2010

    […] a few days ago, I was blogging some thoughts about the new Ranch Hand pistol from Rossi. Today, via GunMart and GunUp, I read a first person review of the Ranch Hand, written by Jeff […]

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